The updated CZU Sustainability Strategy 2025+ is now available
In the autumn of last year, we informed you that as part of the project Supporting Green Skills and Sustainability at CZU, the CZU Sustainability Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) was being updated, which reflects our responsibility towards current students and employees, but especially towards future generations and the environment in which we live.
We are delighted to inform you that the updated version of the Strategy has both an electronic and printed version and has been published on the CZU websites and the CZU Intranet.
Many thanks and appreciation go to Simona Dvořáková, social responsibility manager, Jakub Mlejnek and Martin Kadeřábek, doctoral students of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, all members of the Council for Sustainable Development, and also to expert consultants Maria Frolová from Deloitte Czech Republic a Lukáš Gábor from ACTUM Digital.
The Strategy includes five key areas for which strategic objectives and performance indicators have been set. For example, it is concerned with reducing overall emissions and increasing the share of energy from renewable sources, improving the energy performance of buildings, and supporting the inclusion, well-being, and charitable involvement of students and employees at CZU.
We believe that by updating the CZU Sustainability Strategy 2025+ with clearly and understandably formulated goals, we will create a more sustainable and healthier environment.
The update of the Sustainability Strategy was implemented as part of the project Support for Green Skills and Sustainability at CZU (NPO_CZU_MSMT-2125/2024-4) funded from the call for applications for project support within the framework of "Support for Green Skills and Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions" component 7.4 of the National Recovery Plan for Higher Education Institutions for 2023–2025